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So after three weeks of prosecco, chocolate and sleep I’m back on the blogging wagon. And what better way to begin the year than with the new year, new me bullshit.
I’m not lying when I say that 2015 was a bitch of a year for me, one thing after another and after another, it was like a giant snowball chasing me, biting me in the arse.  I don’t want to dwell on it but I am so so SO happy to see the back of it. I never really believe in all this “oh it’s a new year time for a fresh start” but I really feel that when it turned midnight on New Years Eve and I was surrounded by some of my closest friends and I was so excited for the start of 2016.
In light of this and the epiphany I had for new beginnings, I thought it would be ideal to write a resolution blog, so all of you (even though you probably don't give a shit) can know how 2016 will be different for me.

1.       Running – last year I feel my love for running just grew and grew. As I became a bit fitter and able to run further than a mile without collapsing, I realised it was the perfect way to unwind and zone out from life. Whacking in some Justin Bieber at full volume and running around anything that’s scenic or pretty and I’m in my element. In 2016 I plan on running the Surrey half marathon with my best mate Paige. The furthest I’ve ran is 10k so I definitely have some training to do and I still actually need to sign up…but when I do I’ll put the link to my donation page on my Instagram so you can ALL donate! I even plan on going to get my feet measured properly at the weekend so I can buy a suitable pair of trainers to fit my clown feet.

2.       Travel – I need to see the world. I’m planning on booking flights this weekend to lots of exciting places with  two of my closest friends, Simba and Nicole, so this one is a definite. I’ll be blogging from wherever I am so you can all follow me on my adventures.

3.       Blogging – As I mentioned at the start of this post, a lot of shit happened last year. This resulted in me having no motivation whatsoever to write any blog posts. Hence the really bumpy moments when I write loads and then not again for months. In spite of this, I’m so thrilled at the fact that my blog has received over 15,000 views in under a year considering the lack of posts. As I plan more bits to write, more outfit/ beauty posts and collaborations for 2016 I can’t wait for you all to see them.

4.       Take time for yourself – one thing I learnt from the past years is that I always forget to take time for myself and chill out! Even though I love going out with my friends MORE THAN ANYTHING I can always get a bit carried away. I really need to learn to chill out and maybe take a long bath or actually go to my gym and do a yoga class (always say this and only been 3 times) but this year I will!

5.       Don’t worry – anyone that knows me knows that I worry about everything and anything. The littlest thing can play on my mind for days and it does my head in. Life really is soooooo short so I need to nip it in the bud and stop giving such a shit about people who really aren’t even very nice and about things that actually, really don’t matter.

There we go, that’s all I can thing of and I actually feel that a lot of these are doable.  Sorry for the massive rant but it was needed. I wish you all a very happy 2016 full of fun, family and friends.

1 comment

  1. Happy New Year! Best wishes on your goals!! Props to you because seriously how did your get your cat to stay still for that picture!! =)

    Melanie | Blog: Toots + Dill


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