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The Law of Attraction...

A few months ago I stumbled across the book 'The Secret' by Rhona Byrne on Amazon, I can't remember who, but I remember that a few people had mentioned this book before and said that it was amazing; so I thought why not, I'll give it a try. I don't really know what I was expecting, I had heard about positive energy and what you give out, you shall receive etc. but never really about The Law of Attraction.

One week later I had read the whole book from cover to cover. It was the first time I had actually been excited to go to bed at night and actually read. It gave me such a positive feeling after reading each chapter and so much motivation... I always just felt completely inspired as if anything was possible that I was actually so gutted once I had finished it and I quickly went on to purchase the second book 'The Power' and then the third 'The Magic' haha! I was a Law of Attraction convert!

Rhonda Byrne explains that during September '04, her daughter had given her a one-hundred-year-old book outlining intimate details regarding The Law of Attraction....'The Secret'. This secret had been passed down through centuries but had been known by very few people throughout history. She said "From that moment, the world I saw was not the same world. Everything I had believed about the way life worked was the very opposite of how it really was. I had lived decades just believing that things just happened to us. But now, I could see the incredible truth."

The Law of Attraction is based on the notion that the whole world is energy, everything. Humans are energy, money is energy, plants, houses, cars, yachts, absolutely everything is energy. And us, we humans, are magnets. Therefore whatever thoughts and feelings we give off, we attract instantly back to us. Your thoughts and feelings are deemed the most powerful thing in the universe and can ultimately change your circumstances and events that occur in your life dramatically.

"The Law of Attraction is unfailingly giving you every single thing in your life based on what you're giving out...It doesn't matter whether your thoughts and feelings are good or bad, you are giving them out, and they will return to you as automatically and precisely as an echo returns the same words you say. But this means that you can change your life by changing your thoughts and feelings. Give positive thoughts and feelings, you will change your entire life!"

Now there goes the saying that we should all live with a positive mental attitude and there is multiple reasons for this, such as, if you start your day in a bad mood, it's more likely that things throughout the day, regardless of how small they are, will affect you more and will undoubtedly create an even worse mood. If you have negative thoughts about how a presentation will go, your thoughts will cause you to become more wound up and worried about it, which in turn could sabotage the presentation by you not appearing confident or prepared. If you had a positive attitude regarding the presentation and visualised it going well, you will already feel more confident and happy about it and it will more likely go well...see how it works? 

So, what if this is actually down to the Law of Attraction?
If you wake up and think, oh Jesus today is going to be SHIT. Then the universe will deliver you annoying circumstances throughout the day to make it the worst day possible, just like you asked..If you think the presentation is going to go great and you're going to smash it, then the universe will deliver that...get it?

I think a lot of people have cottoned on to this (including me), especially over the last year or so and they have realised that setting your morning up with a proper routine which includes positive thoughts or affirmations, perhaps some meditation and getting up early enough so you're not running around stressed or rushed to get to work, it can have an absolutely HUGE impact on your day. Byrne, suggests this is all due to the universe responding directly to your thoughts and how you are feeling before you have even left the house in the morning.

Rhonda explains a great way to attract more positive into your life is being grateful for what you have, because if you aren't grateful, there is a lack of love within your life and this will only attract more unloving situations to take place in your life. After reading all three of the books, I started to write 10 things every single morning that I was grateful for. I found this all the more important if I had woken up in crap mood. Soon, I quickly saw the positive impacts that this was having on me in my day-to-day life. It would make me feel more positive before even leaving the house so I would take this energy into work with me, which made me more proactive and productive and as a result made my work output a lot more detailed, creative and better all round. I started to see the good in everything, so every aspect of my life was getting better, relationships, routine, self-love. I realised I had so much more energy and willpower to kick-start the day the more I was grateful for what I had.
So, was I really attracting more positives into my life? I started to realise I didn't really have that much to worry about...When I started to realise how grateful I was to even be alive, then everything else didn't really seem to be as much of an issue.

It's without a doubt that love is the strongest energy on earth. The feeling of love is a frequency, and that feeling will attract similar 'loveable' things and situations to you. The more you feel love, the more love you will gain. "Through the most powerful law, your thoughts become the things in your life...What most people don't understand is that a thought has a frequency. We can measure a thought. And so if you're thinking that thought over and over again. If you're imagining having that brand new car, having the money that you need, building that company, finding your soul mate...if you're imagining what that looks like, you're emitting that frequency on a consistent basis. 

This being said, Rhonda believes that the universe can't deem what is and isn't real, so if you think about whatever you want enough and believe a situation is happening, the universe will alter all obstacles and pathways in your life to make that situation to become a reality. It's the Law of Attraction. I mean come one, if this is a question to get going on a 2020 vision mood board then I don't know what is! 

Visualisation is SO important. Rhonda explains in the book that she tested the Law Of Attraction by asking the universe to show her a glimmer of light every time she gets distracted, is on auto-pilot and needs to be reminded to think of love or gratitude. Therefore, every time that a bright light shone in her eye from a reflection or anything at all, it would take her by surprise and would always remind her to go back to being present, in the moment and feeling intense love & gratitude. She explains in the book that if you want to test out this theory, then you need to choose an object or a situation like the glimmer of light, and you need to visualise it really, really vividly. The look, the smell, feel of it, for as long as you can. Imagine what it's like having this thing, what it means to you, how you feel when you receive/see it, who you want to tell when you see it.

So, I chose a sunflower. I sat there, I visualised it, I asked the universe to show me it, to keep it as a reminder for when I need to come back to the present time. And you know what, the weirdest thing happened...
The very next day, I woke up, got in my car as I did every single morning and... there, sitting on my air freshener was a sunflower, which I had NEVER noticed before, not at all in the last 2 months i'd had it. And that's not all, over the next 2 days I saw sunflowers on 2 separate billboards and that very evening I went for a run, I saw sunflowers growing in the front gardens of two houses. Okay, this might just be pure coincidences but that is crazy hey! I honestly felt like I had asked to be shown something and attracted them into my life just by pure visualisation. 
Am I sounding crazy yet? HAHA 

Another way I have started to incorporate the Law of Attration in my life was around my attitude to money. Instead of feeling constantly fucked off because of a lack of money, I would start to feel grateful for the money I did have. Call it a coincidence, but after a couple of weeks, stuff I had on eBay for months started selling (weird), I noticed more things I had wanted for a while had suddenly became discounted, I was recommended cheaper and more affordable places to get my hair etc. done. Most of all though, I was offered more days at work which obviously meant more money! (WEIRD!)

Relationships is another fundamental thing when it comes to the Law of Attraction. Even before stumbling across The Secret, I was a firm believer in the idea that you attract certain people coming into your life based on the energy you give off. If you feel shitty about yourself, you're going to attract people who don't really give a shit about you and treat you like shit... Once you respect yourself, love yourself and treat yourself with kindness, you give off a completely different vibe. Which in turn will make you not want to put up with the people who don't value you and will encourage new people, who are attracted to your confident and happy energy, into your life. 

Positive thinking can also help with relationships that you already have in your life. Rhonda says "To make a relationship work, focus on what you appreciate about that person, and not your complaints. When you focus on the strengths you will get more of them." This can be within any relationship, if you've fallen out with a friend and you're finding it hard to see past it, focus on what you like about that person, the reasons as to what made you become friends in the beginning and everything else will seem to not be as important anymore! This can be super super hard, depending on obviously what has happened, but keep working on it and the magic will happen. 

One other thing that really blew my mind when looking into the Law of Attraction was the placebo affect within health. It's noted in The Secret that when a patient who is suffering from ill-health and they're given a pill (which actually is just sugar), they are lead to believe that this will cure them. The mere fact that they believe this pill should make them feel better, it ends up doing so! "When patients think and truly believe the tablet is a cure, they will receive what they believe, and they will be cured". This is similar to something that used to happen to me when I was younger. Some nights I would really struggle to sleep, maybe when I was five or so...I remember I would go down to my parents and cry because I couldn't sleep. They would pour me a glass of squash and sprinkle some 'magic dust' in my drink. This magic dust, I was lead to believe had magical powers which could send me to sleep. And I genuinely remember I would go back up to bed and nod off because that is what I believed it would do, when in actual fact my parents hadn't even put anything in the drink! 

This works both ways in health and many times have you been stressed and these feelings of stress snowball and snowball and you're left feeling so much worse, which in turn makes you feel run down and then leads to a bloody cold. "All stress begins with one negative thought. The effect is stress, but the cause was negative thinking and it all began with one negative thought. No matter what you might have manifested, you can change it...with one small positive thought and then another, and another." I'm sorry but how mad is this! You thoughts have SUCH an impact on your day-to-day life and it's crazy how easily you can be in control of what you get in life, just through positive thinking. Honestly, it's so bloody motivating, I fucking love it! 

It really does all start to make sense, how many times have you seen someone who is confident, so positive and seem to just 'have it all'? So many, right! It's because they have attracted that to them. Their job, relationships, money, occasions, clothes, house, absolutely everything! Has been attracted to them through a specific frequency. 
I could go on forever on this topic but I just wanted to share a few points and some of the experiences I have had over the last couple of months. I would 100% encourage anyone reading this to give The Secret a read and incorporate it's daily rituals into your life, just to see whether you can change your mood, your day, your circumstances. All you have to do, is just feel good now. Feel good and you will attract more good into your life. Let go of difficulties from your past and barriers in your thinking. You are a spiritual being, you are energy and an energy magnet. You can electrically energise anything you want to you, by visualising, becoming on the same positive frequency as to what you truly desire. I am a firm believer in this! 

If you feel like a victim in life, put yourself down and feel shit all the time - your life will only get worse and nothing will improve. Think positively, love deeply and feel forever grateful and no shit will get you down. 

Peace and love
Hannah xx 

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